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Retirement Courses
Blueprint for Retirement courses are presented in an easy and straightforward way that makes this class perfect for everyone. We designed this course for people interested in retirement planning and created it to help you make informed decisions about your retirement. If you’re ready to start building the retirement of your dreams, then this class is right for you!
About The Instructors
Blueprint for Retirement has a team of credentialed professionals that teach retirement classes for prospective clients throughout multiple locations and online. Our instructors have experience in estate planning, tax planning, portfolio analysis, and investment management. They possess a passion for helping others succeed through teaching and education.
Retirement Class Cost
The total cost of a comprehensive in-person retirement course is $49. Retirement course registration comes complete with a textbook with examples and illustrations, which is yours to keep as a reference aid for future retirement planning. Advanced registration and pre-payment are required for all courses. You may pay online, with a credit card, or check.